1. Management of Centre
Policies and procedures must be documented and endorsed by senior management.Quality assurance sites must be clearly documented and disseminated.
2. Resources
The centre procedures for managing resources must be documented, implemented and monitored to meet SQA requirements.
3. Candidate Support
Candidate induction policies and procedures must be followe and any candidate complaints must be handled in line with a documented complaints procedure.
4. Internal Assessment and Verification
The centre's internal assessment and verification procedures must be documented, implemented and monitored to meet SQA requirements.
5. External Assessment
The centre’s external assessment procedures must be documented, implemented and monitored to meet qualification and SQA requirements.
6. Records/Data Management
The centre procedures for supplying complete, current and accurate information to SQA for the purposes of registration, entries and certification must be documented, implemented and monitored to meet SQA requirements.